blank shack in nowhere, emerica place/could be north, east, south, or west. or above or below, or in the center, essay about nothing and has no plot, is a blank slate boring story essay that goes nowhere and wastes your time like meat not on the barBq

The scene went on for miles, in 360 degrees, nothing in sight; but rolling plains of flat black and white hills, that meandered on in no particular way. And in this space rode and gave way to a few touches of grey matter. The hills made of black, white and occasional grey had a small road striking itself steadfastly on through it's warm and cold embrace. The road came from nowhere, and lead to nowhere, the person seen on the bicycle was riding with a package, from where, we do not know, and to where who do not know. The man on the plain bicycle kept riding on the plain black and white road. It (the road that is) kept lagging on forever into infinity somewhere. A bird laid down in the road of transformation and spread it's copious wing's out, to sun dry the epoch. And so it did, and now we are still at square one. fuk. the saint's died down in chants, and hovered. YE TEE GLASS SO BE IT. and poof a SHACK appeared!!! The weird strange man thing riding a placid bicycle with a bench installed as a side note rolled down the plain roads that lead to nowhere. On that horrible bicycle was a satchel made of pure graying glows. The person thing rode the bicycle with a bar stool seat and he rode it well with a secret satchel made of grey gold, or something made of nothing. and he rode down the hills, and oh i forgot about the shack that came out of no wheres, like i said before, POOF a boring, bland brown grey shack appeared on a black and white soil on a black white foreground/background, it was all the same, i just wanted to say this shack is in just a desolate place,, made of wood from a fallen barn that was left over beams and timber from a fire in the barn eons ago. this place was deconstructed and reconstructed like christ body in the flesh mounts. He threw his bicycle into the grey nothing mud and looked up, up at the grey black white sky with hexagonal rectangular fissure prints. And sighed with glee. After entering the shack, he sat at a little chair, next to a small litle table, with no other chairs or tables in sight. He took out of his satchel 2 (two) small hand carved objects, and set them on the table. The figures were figures of human beings, little mannequins. black faces and white faces and antonymous parts. smooth and non-binary, female nor male. They were not actual humans, just represented of. so why call one him or another one she?
The figures gazed in the darkness as candles were lighted in the spoof shack made of hand scraped wood planks. The candles cast a light shadow of grayness over the black and white that everything else was. In the center of the room stood a square installation of a square rounder. it was black and white, it has legs, 4 legs, to prop up a flat surface of a landscape that is like outside, black and white and a few hills, no plants, and within this emptiness was a train track. The train track went into infinity. On the train track, that was black, was a little platform, that has 4 wheels attached to it, those wheels sit on the little train tracks. that went into infinity that was white. the figurines sitting at the black and white table with grey hues from the candle light, was looking at the two figures he pulled out of his satchel that were two figures. carved of wood from somewhere else. he gazed at them. that sentence is impossible, how could the figures be staring at the figures. when there was only one set of figures from the satchel thing?
One figure was white, one figure was black, he called the white one Y and the black one Z. he took Y and placed it on one of the tiny little platforms conformed to the infinity tracks. he took Z and put IT on the other platform. he spent days on synchronizing the motors that they are opposite of each other, one motor is white, the other motor is black, made of hand carved wooden gears. imported by drone bicycle from an unknown place. collected some other day ago. he took his ITs Y and Z and made sure they were safe on top the little train platforms. like we said before about the Y and Z counter acting each other, if one motor was slightly faster and out of synch with the other motor, then after so many hours or days, the Y will catch up with the Z, and then pass it or become one with it, so that was undesirable, we wanted them to be perfectly opposing each other like magnets and ying and yang black and white. so the stupid motors had to be perfectly in sync and started at the same stupid time. which the man did, and the Y and Z figures spinned in infinity in perfect opposing fashion, the funny stupid black and white NESS.
they started spinning at super high speed, in perfect perfection, the strings that where attached to the figures snapped with a loud soft splash, i forgot to tell you about the strings that were attached to the dumb stupid idioitic black and white figures that were spinning at top speed around a infinity train track and broke the speed of stupid, the strings were weaving tightly and made dna, and this was inside a shed in the middle of nowhere with desolate black and white hills with nothing but one stupid road that blandly goes through it ALL in a slow black and white with gray undertone stupid kinda way. Delivered from somewhere. And the stupid infinity melted the entire scene into a stupid piece of burned plastic of black and white stupidness, then I gather up the ball and made the above statue of the stupid black and white figures and sold it for $3 million pennies and bought a place nowhere and lived in a black and white shack in a desolate place in the middle of stupidville. Where the sun shined grey all day.
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