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85% of Blogger Posts are read becuz of a GOOD TITLE: this is NOT a good title, and is probably the worst title of any kind EVER MADE, and a even worst example of a person who over indulges in The Cult of The Title, it's so bad, why are you even still reading this disaster of a Title, you still have to suffer through the main body of the work, I am sorry. But why doesn't this damn title have a MAX character limit cuz then I obviously I would of stopped by now, and why the fuck are you still reading this Title?

         In a Leonard Cohen song, he darkly assures the listener to: `Forget your perfect Offering; There is a crack in Everything. That's how the Light gets in.'       Being a fan of his, I am just going to trust him.       Because even though everyone is saying this is UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, we never seen such a thing before, the collective minds of a section of society DOES remember MANY OTHER times, and it always gets hidden, that is, we always seem to FORGET. Just like Richard always does.       THIS IS HISTORY, WE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE, and many other epitaphs that anyone can simply hear repeated on spin cycle from any and all corporate news outlets, local, national, even your mom and dad enjoy using these buzz words also. But we ALWAYS HAVE LIVED in these times, DON'T YOU REMEMBER? I won't even waste your time or space here to elaborate, because my faithful reader, YOU ...

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DaDa is my Daddy, I am NOT a dAdAist! I also #didNOT(w)rite this, and I stole the pictures from your mistress's family album. The following was copied off a pamphlet to encourage you to DEBONE your SKELETON.

Reading this may infect you........please read this.

Easter Fetus, Jesus is a Migrant Fruit Picker.

Ancient Archival Text's from Bryan Ray

My Body Overdosed On Sea Kelp Vomit and Placenta Tissue.